vendredi 16 mars 2012

Lancement de The International of education for diversities (IJE4D)

Frequency: 2 issues per year

First issue to be published in autumn 2012. We are accepting submissions for this issue until 31.8.2012.

ISSN: 2242-7430

Aims and Scope

The International Journal of Education for Diversities (IJE4D) is a fully peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Teacher Education of the University of Helsinki (Finland).

IJE4D seeks original and innovative research from authors across the world concerned with the following discussions:

  • The influence of diversities on the work of educators (teacher trainees, teachers, university staff, adult educators, ‘informal’ educators, consultants) and students
  • Teaching/learning about diversities
  • Mobile education and diversities
  • Links between ‘Home’ and institutions in relation to education for diversities
  • ‘Diversities’ competence and its recognition (“assessment”)
  • Language(s) in education for diversities
  • Justice and ethics in education for diversities (bullying)
  • Forms of racism (“without races”), xenophobia, xenophilia, ethnocentrism and discrimination in education
  • The marketization and exploitation of diversities in education
  • Leading and managing education for/in diversities.

The word Diversities refers to any person (or group of people) who defines him/herself as an Other or who is referred to by society, institutions, policy makers and his/her interlocutors as such. Diversities can be based, amongst others, on language, geographical space (countries, regions, cities), but also gender, worldview, social position, and/or the combination of all these. The plural form reflects a critical approach to multiculturalism in education, especially in relation to the concepts of culture and identity but also to questions of power, social exclusion and injustice.

The journal encourages interested authors to go beyond certain forms of culturalism or essentialism, i.e. the use of a static and highly ideological understanding of the concept of culture, which overlooks contextualised interaction and present culture as an “alibi”, as an easy explanation to problems in education. The journal is also critical of the idea that “diversity” represents only a challenge. Over-differentialist approaches, based on “nationality” or “ethnicity”, are to be used with care and criticality. The label education for diversities also advocates avoiding continuing to dichotomise intercultural and multicultural education, for which, Holm and Zilliacus (2009) argue “it is impossible to treat and draw conclusions about intercultural and multicultural education as if there was only one kind of each since there are several different kinds of both multicultural and intercultural education” (ibid.: 23). By doing so, the journal wants to avoid confusion, misunderstandings and to promote more dialogue between researchers interested in education for diversities.

IJE4D contains research articles, review essays, book reviews and interviews. The journal promotes interdisciplinary work (e.g. anthropology, gender studies, geography, linguistics, sociology) and showcases original theoretical and/or empirical perspectives and methods. All submissions should be theoretically informed and rigorous.

All submissions undergo initial editorial screening and refereeing by a minimum of two anonymous referees.

Books for review should be sent to the Book Review Editor Lim Sep Neo (<>).

The journal welcomes proposals for special issues.


Instructions for authors:

Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments to in rtf. or doc./docx (no pdf). Articles should not exceed 6,500 words and be double-spaced throughout. Please submit both a blind copy and a full manuscript.

The full manuscript should contain on the first page: names of each author, affiliation, contact details, a title, an abstract of not more than 200 words in English and in another language of your choice, up to 6 keywords, a word count, a biodata for each author (50 words)

Please refer to the APA formatting and style guide at for in-text citations, tables and figures as well as reference list.

The paper must not be under consideration by other journals and must not have been previously published elsewhere.

>>> Plus d'informations ICI

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